Here you find further info about us and our products.
Here you will find our technical articles, interviews and solution descriptions on topics from the IT world and around the business system integrator TSO-DATA.
The successfull introduction of a customized ERP solution enabled Versus-Deutschland GmbH to optimize its processes, reduce costs and achieve sustainable grow.
With the ERP industry solution KatarGo from the business system house TSO-DATA, VENO achieves time savings in logistics and relies on proven and sustainable Microsoft technology
Microsoft Power Apps lets you create your own business apps that you can use in the browser and on iOS and Android devices without in-depth programming knowledge
The seating specialist RECARO Gaming relies on the enterprise solution Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Online from the cloud and connects its international online shops and well-known marketplaces with the TSO-DATA WebConnector.
The ERP solution Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central has given HM Industrieservice GmbH a sustainable lightning start of the expanded system in the cloud.
The automation technology company GMT Europe sees the complete integration of the entire application landscape and deliberately lean internal IT as the basis for sustainable and dynamic growth. With Business Central Cloud, Dynamics 365 for Sales and Office 365, SaaS solutions from Microsoft form the core of the IT strategy.
CRM stands for customer relationship management and refers to a company's focus on its customers and the organized design of customer relationship processes.