TSO-DATA has been engaged in social projects for many years and supports regional associations and organisations through sponsoring - both in Osnabrück and in Nuremberg. These include the "Ambulanter Kinderhospizdienst Osnabrück", the "Haus am Schlehenbusch", the "Caritas Kinder- und Jugendhaus Stapf", the "VfL Osnabrück" and the "Osnabrück Zoo".
Ambulanter Kinderhospizdienst Osnabrück
The outpatient children's hospice service accompanies children and adolescents who are suffering from life-shortening illnesses. TSO-DATA supports the Ambulanter Kinderhospizdienst Osnabrück and greatly appreciates the work of the mostly voluntary staff.
Haus am Schlehenbusch, Osnabrück
The Haus am Schlehenbusch is a curative education and therapeutic youth welfare institution which accepts young people between the ages of 15 and 21. With their therapeutic and vocational school support, the work of the employees helps to deal with social deficits for the young people. In addition, the goals are the strengthening of the personality and the guidance to professional maturity. TSO-DATA greatly appreciates the work of the people involved and has been supporting the Schlehenbusch House for many years.
Caritas Kinder- und Jugendhaus Stapf, Nürnberg
Kinder- und Jugendhaus Stapf offers children, adolescents and families offers and assistance in various situations - from crèche, kindergarten or after-school care places, to day care facilities for disabled children (also integrative forms), to part-time inpatient, inpatient and outpatient forms for educational problems. Many full-time and honorary employees as well as companies, such as TSO-DATA Nuremberg, contribute to the fact that the institution can offer the best possible individual care, support and encouragement. TSO-DATA Nuremberg is happy to be able to become regionally active and thus support Haus Stapf, including children, young people and families.
Official IT partner of Zoo Osnabrück
Since mid-2015 TSO-DATA has been a sponsor of the Osnabrück Zoo and has taken over the animal sponsorship for warthog Siggi. Furthermore, we are happy to support the Osnabrück Zoo as a partner. We warmly welcome Siggi to our team and think that the Zoo Osnabrück is a strong animal! Furthermore, Osnabrück Zoo has been working together with Osnabrück University of Applied Sciences and TSO-DATA in the area of CRM-Microsoft Dynamics 365 for some time now - read more about the cooperation of three strong partners.
Official IT partner of VfL Osnabrück
For many years TSO-DATA has been actively supporting the VfL Osnabrück and uses a hospitality package of the association. At the Bremer Brücke, TSO-DATA is also present with a brand name on a gang and since the beginning of the new 2015/2016 season has carried the title "Official IT Partner of VfL Osnabrück". Furthermore, VfL Osnabrück has been working with a hybrid solution provided by TSO-DATA for some time now - read more about the cooperation between TSO-DATA and VfL Osnabrück.
Support Association of the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück e.V.
Since the beginning of 2020, TSO-DATA GmbH has been a member of the Support Association of the University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück e.V. This association, which has been in existence since 1963, supports both non-material and material support of teaching and research at the university, including all its locations. The personal commitment and dedication of all members intensifies the dialogue and builds a bridge between society, the economy, the world of work and the university. TSO-DATA has been cooperating intensively with the university for several years now - from joint cooperation projects and guest lectures to the supervision of students in the area of theses, working student activities or internships. We are pleased to be able to provide support as an official member with immediate effect.
Friends of the TH Nuremberg
TSO-DATA Nürnberg GmbH has been a member of the "Bund der Freunde der Technischen Hochschule Nürnberg e.V." since August 2016. The non-profit association, in which friends and sponsors of the Nuremberg University of Technology have joined forces, has been in existence since 1957 and can look back on a long-standing network of relationships. We support the association in its charitable work, which includes scholarships, financial grants, HW, teaching materials and much more for students. Every year we are happy to be part of the network.
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