TSO WebPOS Pay is a software extension for controlling external EFT terminals. It can be used for both payments and refunds via the card terminal. Payment data is automatically exchanged between the cash register and the card terminal. The connection transfers the payment amount to the EFT terminal and reports the status of the payment transfer back to the cash register. Typing errors at the card terminal are thus a thing of the past.
The Pepper solution from treibauf AG, which supports over 160 payment terminal models from 11 different manufacturers, is used for the integration of WebPOS Pay. Simplify your retail business. We will be happy to answer whether your terminal model is one of them, please contact us! As our explicit solution partner, treibauf AG develops sophisticated interface software. This makes the handling and processing of your electronic payment transactions much easier. The EFT solutions simplify everyday work and accelerate business processes by reducing effort, eliminating sources of error and thus saving time and costs.
Do you have any questions or would you like to tell us something? Please contact our experts directly or fill out our contact form. We look forward to hearing from you.
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